Celebrating school graduation
The examinations for the final year students of Emboreet secondary school took place in November last year; in Tanzania there are statewide appointed times for carrying out examinations. Since the evaluation takes place on a central level and since the results are only available months later the graduation celebrations usually take already place the day after the last examination. Most of the students live far away so that once they have left they will not return to school easily.
This way celebrating graduation is the yearly highlight of the school year. Besides the relieved parents and the agitated students also high ranked representatives of the local and national government took part in it. Joel Bendera, der Regional Commissioner of the Manyara District, was the „Guest of Honour“. But also the local population was present with many visitors. Some had walked from far away villages to Emboreet.
The graduation took place in the meanwhile nearly finishes canteen which is preliminary used as a school hall. The main topic of the speeches was the relevance of school education for the backward Maasai population. Considering that more than 70% of the Maasai are illiterate the parents were prompted again and again to send their children to school.
It was a privilege to inform the population but also the students and teachers about the arrangement of a school partnership between the secondary school of Emboreet and the “Geschwister Scholl” school in Solingen. Such a partnership signals recognition and encourages parents and students. Not least, it also underlines the relevance of education. A sign next to the entrance to the canteen now reminds the partnership.
Inauguration of the new Buildings
During the graduation the first buildings completed by ECLAT were officially handed over to the government who runs the school. The relevant documents were signed and formally handed over. Thus a dream of Toima Kiroya, the founder of ECLAT, and of his wife Philomena at least in parts became true. This moment surely was for them a highlight of the year. Besides the double-house for the teachers which was built in 2015 also two dormitories for the boys could be handed over ready for occupancy, the latter after only four months of construction works. The teachers and students moved in their new domicile the same day. The canteen is meant to be handed over in 2016 when it will be completed – with biogas for the kitchen, solar electricity and tables and benches.
In my address I thanked the Foundation for Care and Education for financing these buildings but also pointed out that the German contribution does not in the least release the Tanzanian government nor the local community from the obligation to contribute their share to the establishment of the school.
One day before Christmas we received the news that the government had decided to designate the
secondary school in Emboreet as the best of the district and therefore best qualified to lead students to A levels which means that out of 16 secondary schools in the Simanjiro-District there will be at least one in future where students can pass A levels.
Outlook for 2016
Also in 2016 the further development of the school is the focus of our work. We have now to look after the necessary infrastructure. Apart from the toilets with biogas fermenters the existing buildings shall get connected to the water supply system. Water pipes have to be installed on campus and a small water tower is meant to ensure the necessary pressure. A solar plant on the roof of the canteen shall provide the school with electricity. And once the canteen is furniture with desks and chairs and a loudspeaker system it can officially be handed offer at the end of the year.
Additionally to the financial support for the secondary school in Emboreet the Foundation for Care and Education has provided upendo with financial means for the construction of a dormitory for the secondary school in Kilolo. It is a school close to Iringa in central Tanzania and it lacks so much that the boys instead of attending classes prefer to hang around in the town nearby. The headmaster had asked us to help with the construction of a dormitory for the school.
We are pleased that „FLY & HELP“, a charity of DER Touristik GmbH, provides upendo also with financial support for the renovation of the primary school in Emboreet. In the last newsletter dated November 2015 we reported in detail about the disastrous state of the school. We continue to attach the greatest importance to the work of Philomena Kiroya and the women`s groups who play a central role in the development of Maasai society.
DER Touristik GmbH furthermore confirmed to allocate resources for animal welfare and nature protection projects along the Tarangire national park and tier3 solutions GmbH also. For the people living at the vicinity of the parks animal welfare and nature protection are a source of many conflicts. Only if their existence is not threatened by the wild animals and only if they profit from the tourism related to the parks are they willing to accept and support the tourism and the concept of nature protection. As already reported in the second last newsletter our partner, the PAMS Foundation, works in this field of conflict between parks and neighboring population in Tanzania. For this year we plan two joint projects with PAMS, one for the protection of corn fields against elephants and another project for the improved protection of the Maasai population and its cattle, sheep and goats against predators such as lions and hyenas PAMS will accompany these projects with education initiatives in the nearby schools in order to improve the acceptance of the projects and to sensitize the students to nature and environment protection measures.
Fotos: Fred Heimbach (November 2015)
Translation German to English: Marita Sand