Yes, I support upendo – registered charity for the support of development projects in Africa!

Thank you for your wish to donate. Donations will benefit our Tanzanian projects in full because all of our administrative costs and the costs of public relations and advertising will be covered by a special donation. Unrestricted funds allow us to allocate our resources most efficiently and where the needs are greatest. Your Donation will be used where it is needed most.
Bank account of upendo:


IBAN: IBAN: DE19 3706 2600 2504 2090 19


VR Bank Bergisch Gladbach-Leverkusen

Please indicate your name and and address under intended use if you would like to receive a donation receipt.

“upendo – registered charity for the support of development projects in Africa e.V.” is a registered charity at the Cologne District Court under number VR 18199. The tax office of Leverkusen has certified the charitable status “For the promotion of development cooperation” under the control number 230/5724/3309.

We have our annual financial statements certify by external accredited auditors and also demand the annual audit of its financial reports by recognized external accountants from our partner organizations in Africa. As a smaller association, we will not use the expensive donation seal of the DZI (Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen).

Donations are tax deductible up to 20% of taxable income in Germany. Donation receipts will be unsolicited mail at the beginning of the next year, if you have given us your address. Please send us an
email to with your address if you want to get a donation receipt earlier.