This newsletter focuses on the women’s work of our partner organization ECLAT: a work that can only be done by a Maasai woman who grew up in this culture and whom women trust. Cultural backgorund From a European perspective women have a difficult position in the culture of the Maasai. Traditionally, teenage girls are…

upendo information event The information event on April 14, 2018 was well attended. We thank our patron, Minister Herbert Reul, for his participation and his appreciative and encouraging greeting. Toima and Philomena Kiroya, heads of our Tanzanian partner organisation ECLAT, reported first-hand on the current status of the projects. Many thanks to everyone who took…

Review 2017 Also in 2017, we were able to realize all our projects as planned, although unexpected additional costs resulted again. For those who are interested, an overview of our income and expenditure in the past year is available on the home page. It also lists the organizations that have made these projects possible through…

Opening of the Seminar Center for Women After only five months of construction, the new seminar center for women’s work of ECLAT was opened on 5 October 2017. After all, these are five buildings: a dormitory with 30 beds, a wash and toilet house, a cafeteria with kitchen, a building with a classroom and offices,…

A new Seminar Center will Stimulate the Women’s Work of ECLAT The role of women in the Maasai Society In the Maasai people, the women live in complete dependence on their husbands` homestead (“Boma”). The Bomas are usually situated far apart, so the women have little opportunity to exchange with other women. Since most of…

In this information letter, we report on the opening of the water project in the village of Sukuro at the beginning of the year and the latest developments at the secondary school in Emboreet, our most complex project. We will report on the other projects of upendo in the coming information letters: on the work…

Looking back at the Year 2016 In 2016 we were able to complete all our projects as originally planned despite unexpected additional costs. The financial overview of the revenue and expenditure of upendo in 2016 is available on the subpage finances. There you also find the organizations that have enabled many of these projects through…

Secondary School Graduation Ceremony This year the graduation ceremony for the school leavers of the secondary school in Emboreet took place October, 20. Since the exams are carried out at the same time and are centrally evaluated, the results are only available months later. This year, the graduation ceremony for the students took place even…

This newsletter has its focus on current developments in the two main pillars of our work in Tanzania: the establishment of a secondary school in Emboreet and the women’s projects of our partner organization ECLAT. In the following newsletters we will inform again about the other projects. Graduation at the Secondary School School-leaving examinations took place…