In this information letter we would like to introduce ECLAT’s and upendo`s education work with an up-to-date overview of our projects undertaken this year.

Last year, despite the Corona pandemic, we were able to implement all our projects in Tansania as planned. In this newsletter we report mainly on the school and education projects. ECLAT’s work with women is only briefly touched upon, but will be the main topic in the next newsletter. We also report briefly on the…

HANDOVER OF THE NEW PRIMARY SCHOOL IN EMBOREET At the end of September, ECLAT handed over the new Lenaitunyo Primary School in Emboreet to the district government, the authority responsible for running the school. At the beginning of 2020, Chrismon magazine had reported in an article by photojournalist Claudio Verbano about the school girl…

School Education in Tanzania The school system in Tanzania is influenced by the English school system from the colonial period. The “Primary School” has 7 year classes (apart from the one year kindergarten which is compulsory today). Those who pass the final exams well qualify for secondary school. This lasts 4 years up to the…

PENDO’S LONG WAY TO SCHOOL Excerpt from the report: Long Walk Home by Claudio Verbano Fog lies over the savannah landscape near the Tarangire National Park in Tanzania. It is 4 o’clock in the morning, two hours to go until sunrise. There is no sound to be heard in the small Maasai settlement, inhabitants…

Handover of the vocational training center Only recently, on 19 October, we were able to hand over the new Vocational Training Center in the Simanjiro district to the Tanzanian state. ECLAT has built it in the past 12 months. Although for a start only 24 bricklayer apprentices have been trained there since July, the…

Craftsman Training Center Construction of the new Craftsman Center, the first in the Simanjiro district, was completed on time so that the first students could start their lessons as a bricklayer a few weeks ago as originally planned. The training is based on the German dual system, i.e. during their training, the students also work…

In this newsletter, we once again report on our projects with the PAMS Foundation in the field of conflict between man and nature and on the most important events of recent times in Emboreet, such as the opening of the computer center at the secondary school and the start of construction for the new artisan…

The last project trips to Tanzania have once again shown us how much upendo and the Tanzanian partner organization ECLAT has already achieved and made a difference in recent years. In this information letter we briefly report on the most important events of August. Visit to the Prime Minister The work of ECLAT has attracted…